Terminal 3 powers BuckID: Decentralized user profiles for gamers on BeraBucks

BuckID, powered by Terminal 3 Identity, is officially live on BeraBucks.com.
BeraBucks is a decentralized gaming platform designed to connect the largest gaming communities in one place. Built on BeraChain, BeraBucks offers gamers a space to engage and compete, while offering community-driven gaming brands an unparalleled loyalty and questing platform driving gameplay and viewership.
The Power of BuckID
BuckID is foundational to the BeraBucks ecosystem. With BuckID, gamers can now claim a unique .gg username for their profile with a Web3 wallet, taking control over their entire Web3 gaming identity, including assets, data, and more. Gamers can unify their holdings across games and chains— powering the ability to be rewarded for achievements throughout the ecosystem while maintaining privacy.
BuckID powered by Terminal 3
BuckID is powered by Terminal 3 Identity, a decentralized identity management solution for issuing the BuckID as an off-chain DID and for storing user’s personal information associated with the DID on decentralized storage.
After a user-friendly onboarding, Terminal 3 standardizes, enriches, and encrypts gamer data, and issues DIDs and verifiable credentials. Through wallet activity and social connect, BeraBucks can avoid bots and onboard real people with meaningful engagement, bringing life and loyalty to esport leagues.
Register your BuckID: berabucks.com
Find BeraBucks on Discord: discord.gg/4WUArVyNqS
About Terminal 3
Terminal 3 is Web3’s most powerful user identity and data oracle. Leveraging decentralized data storage and zero-knowledge cryptography, Terminal 3 powers enterprises with verifiable private identities and credentials that seamlessly connect existing technology and users with Web3 applications.
Learn more: terminal3.io
About BeraBucks
Join forces & mobilize with the largest gaming communities on Earth.
Learn more: berabucks.com